Use cases in digital media
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Verifiable creator credentials can increase trust and transparency in the cultural and creative industries.
Here are some examples of how VCs could be used:
Verifying the identity and credentials of freelancers or contractors working for a media organisation (freelancer verification);
Establishing the identity and reliability of sources used in news publications, particularly when anonymity is required (source verification);
Providing proof of ownership or authorship of copyrighted works, such as articles, videos, or music, including the ability to state whether the content was created by a human creator or generated by an artificial intelligence model (copyright verification);
Demonstrating the creator's or rightsholder's authority to provide metadata or licence information for digital work (metadata verification);
Confirming that a media organisation has the permission to use or distribute specific content, such as photographs or video footage (content licensing);
Verifying that a user or entity has acquired a licence for use of digital media content from a rightsholder (licensing receipt);
Supporting digital rights management (DRM) and granting access to digital media content, supplementary material, stories, or multimedia assets (access control).