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The overview illustrates the process of issuing and managing Verifiable Credentials (VCs) for creators and rightsholders within a structured trust framework. The system connects issuers, such as media organisations or collective management organisations (CMOs), with creators, who seek to verify and manage their digital identities.
The process begins with both issuers and creators signing up and logging into the Creator Credentials App. Issuers authenticate themselves using institutional trust mechanisms, such as SSL/TLS certificates, QWAC, EBSI DIDs, and Qualified Certificates (QCerts for eSeal), establishing their legitimacy as trusted entities. Additionally, issuers can verify their authority by setting up did:web, which serves as a decentralised identifier for issuing credentials.
Creators, on the other hand, verify their identities through self-verification methods, including domain verification (DNS TXT records), social media account verification, and email verification. These self-verification options provide increasing levels of trust and authentication, with decentralised identity standards such as did:key reinforcing security.
Once both parties are verified, a handshake process facilitates mutual identification between the creator and the issuer. The creator then selects a sector-specific credential template, which defines the type of Verifiable Credential they need. The issuer can issue, manage, and, if necessary, revoke these credentials. The credentials can be issued to creators, allowing them to manage and share their verifiable claims with third parties.
The system ensures transparency, security, and interoperability by integrating decentralised identity frameworks and cryptographic verification. This approach empowers creators with self-sovereign identity management, while issuers establish institutional trust, ensuring that media attributions and rights declarations are verifiable across the digital ecosystem.